Pamela S. Turner
Pamela S. Turner Always Evolving

An impor­tant his­tor­i­cal per­son­al­i­ty receives deserved atten­tion in this fine account … STEM-inclined read­ers should find her sto­ry espe­cial­ly fas­ci­nat­ing and uplift­ing.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Her­schel shines as a fig­ure of resilience — and bril­liance. The cre­ative team com­pels with this por­tray­al of empow­er­ment through voca­tion.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)

Comet Chaser

Comet Chaser
Comet Chas­er

My pic­ture book, Comet Chas­er: The True Cin­derel­la Sto­ry of Car­o­line Her­schel, the First Pro­fes­sion­al Woman Astronomer, is final­ly here!

When I first learned about Car­o­line, I thought it was a shame she didn’t get the cred­it she deserved for work­ing with her broth­er, the famous astronomer William Her­schel. After all, if they had been work­ing togeth­er in the 21st cen­tu­ry, she would’ve been a co-author on all their sci­en­tif­ic papers. Yet even dur­ing the 18th cen­tu­ry, her accom­plish­ments were rec­og­nized as extra­or­di­nary. I trav­elled to Bath, Eng­land, where the Her­schel home is now a muse­um, and to Lon­don to see one of Car­o­line and William’s sur­viv­ing telescopes. 

Publisher’s Week­ly inter­viewed me about Comet in an arti­cle about Women’s His­to­ry Month.

If you’d like a signed copy of Comet Chas­er shipped to you, please con­tact my local book­seller, Mrs. Dalloway’sJust note in the memo that you’d like it signed, and to whom you would like it signed.

Have Skulls Will Travel

How to Build a Human
How to Build a Human

In March I was off to the Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ing Asso­ci­a­tion to give a pre­sen­ta­tion, “After Lucy: New Approach­es to Teach­ing Human Evo­lu­tion.” (2024 is the 50th anniver­sary of Lucy’s dis­cov­ery.) My co-pre­sen­ters were the tal­ent­ed Eliz­a­beth Shree­ve (author of Out of the Blue: How Ani­mals Evolved from Pre­his­toric Seas) and the engag­ing John Mead, a mid­dle school sci­ence teacher from Texas. I spoke about How to Build a Human: In Sev­en Evo­lu­tion­ary Steps and why I chose to focus on our ances­tors them­selves, rather than fos­sil-hunt­ing sci­en­tists. And no, when it came to the group pho­to, we just couldn’t help ourselves.

My friend, the won­der­ful writer Deb­o­rah Hop­kin­son recent­ly asked me to weigh in about long-form non-fic­tion and why I chose to write Human the way I did.

George Schaller

Pamela S. Turner and George Schaller
Pamela S. Turn­er and George Schaller

A few weeks ago, I flew to Tuc­son to see George Schaller, the sub­ject A Life in the Wild: George Schaller’s Strug­gle to Save the Last Great Beasts.

While George and I have kept in touch over the years, I haven’t seen him since he and his late wife Kay host­ed me at their home in Con­necti­cut while I was research­ing A Life in the Wild.

At 91, George is still a very active con­ser­va­tion­ist, vis­it­ing the Ari­zona desert as part of an effort to con­serve jaguars that inhab­it the bor­der area between the U.S. and Mexico.

My Son, Connor

Connor and Pamela
Con­nor and Pamela

I haven’t put out a newslet­ter for well over a year, and you might be won­der­ing if I dis­ap­peared off the face of the Earth. In a way I did, for a long while. In April 2023 my thir­ty-year-old son Con­nor passed away fol­low­ing an epilep­tic seizure. It was a sud­den, hor­ri­ble, heart­break­ing loss. Con­nor had a wry sense of humor and loved sto­ries and sto­ry­telling. He was a tal­ent­ed writer himself.

For the last year or so I’ve been crawl­ing out of a pit of sad­ness, hand over hand. The expe­ri­ence has remind­ed me, in an all-too-bru­tal way, that we should tell peo­ple how much they mean to us now and not wait for tomor­row. That’s why I flew to Tuc­son to see George. That’s why I nev­er miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be with my grand­chil­dren. That’s why I’ve start­ed writ­ing again, to hon­or the cre­ative spark with­in Connor.

If you have any ques­tions or com­ments, please con­nect with me via Insta­gramFace­book, or email

Pamela S Turner

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